The Centre for Sustainable polymers harbours the state-of-the-art facility for polymer research distributed into five laboratories.
Polymer Processing Laboratory
Wet Laboratory and Translational Research Unit
Analytical Laboratory
Toxicology Laboratory
The Infrastructure and Instrumentation include
- Monomer & Catalyst Synthesis & Purification Equipments
- PLC based Fermenter
- Polymerization reactors (high pressure & vacuum reactor)
- Reactive distillation plant
- Optical polarimeter
- Glove Box with two hands
- Volumetric Karl Fischer for moisture measurement
- High temperature GPC with UV, LS and RI detectors
- HPLC with auto sampler
- Temperature Controlled Viscometer
- Facilities for Thermo-mechanical Properties
- DSC-TGA-FTIR with auto sampler & dynamic frequency sweep
- Heat Deflection Apparatus/Tester
- Thermal Impact Chamber/Tester
- Oxidation Induction Time Tester
- Micro Hardness Tester
- Melt Flow Index
- Izod Impact Tester
- Vicat Softening Point Apparatus/Tester
- Environmental Stress Cracking
- Unrestrained Linear Thermal Shrinkage Hot Plate Method
- Facilities for Barrier Properties
- Water vapor Permeability tester
- Oxygen permeability apparatus
- Package Gas Analyzer
- Facilities for Morphological & Surface Studies
- Cryo-TEM
- Polarizing optical microscope (with Hot Plate)
- Contact Angle Measurement Device
- Facilities for Migration Studies
- Micro compounder with Injection Molding Machine
- Blown film extruder
- Thermoforming Machine
- High Shear Mixer/Grinder
- Electro spinning Setup
- Polymer Testing Facilities
- Visible Spectrophotometer
- Fatigue & Creep Machine
- Thermal Conductivity Tester
- Puncture Impact Testing – Thin Materials
- Digital Density Tester
- Tear Tester
- Computational Facilities
- Material studio
- Polyflow
- High Performance Computing Facilities
- Degradation Studies
- Biodegradability test setup
- Biocompatibility test setup
- Universal Testing Machine
- Polymer nanocomposite based Cast Film processing line

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The Centre also hosts a dedicated greenhouse for research at the confluence of polymers, soil and plants.